SPELD NSW Professional Learning
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All Courses, SPELL @ SPELD NSW
SPELL @ SPELD NSW Part 4 - an evidence-informed spelling program developed with teachers in mind by our team of specialist teachers, researchers and interventionists.
All Courses, Teaching Reading in K-2 Series
In this short webinar, you will learn about some of the very important and fascinating evidence that informs our understanding of how our brains become literate.
All Courses, Teaching Reading in K-2 Series
In this webinar, we introduce you to the ‘reading practice and fluency lesson’ which is a key part of the literacy block. We will examine how to plan for this lesson, how to select and use resources, and what partner reading can look like across K-2.
All Courses, Teaching Reading in K-2 Series
In this webinar, we consider what makes a decodable… decodable? We show you how to align texts to your scope and sequence and how to select decodable texts that are appropriate for the reader and differentiated for various levels.
All Courses, Teaching Reading in K-2 Series
We will discuss the difference between teaching and learning and how introducing this short lesson (or lessons) into your day might just be the dose of practice your young readers are looking for!
All Courses, Teaching Reading in K-2 Series
In this webinar, we demystify irregular words. What are they exactly? When and how should we teach them? We will show you how to plan for your irregular word instruction and most importantly, how to teach and practice these tricky words!
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