Unlock explicit spelling instruction, starting today

Review Sample Sets from Parts 1 - 3 today!

Key Features of SPELL @ SPELD NSW

  • Explicit Instruction

    Deliver short, sharp, and targeted lessons that focus on the essential skills your students need to master spelling.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum

    Our program addresses both phonics and morphology and supports teacher to deliver explicit instruction of spelling conventions and patterns.

  • Structured Framework

    The program includes a systematic scope and sequence, consistent routines and activities, planned review and revision, and end of term assessments.

  • Easy-to-Use Resources

    Access resources designed for whole class and small group instruction, catering to diverse learning needs, making it easy to implement SPELL @ SPELD NSW with your students.

  • Affordable & Accessible

    SPELL @ SPELD NSW is designed to be budget-friendly, ensuring that all schools can benefit from high-quality spelling instruction.

  • In-Built Professional Learning and Support

    Enhance your skills with targeted professional learning delivered by expert educators that provides tips and troubleshooting strategies to support effective instruction.

  • Differentiated Support

    Lessons are designed to meet the needs of all learners, with resources and routines to support both Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction.

  • Assessments

    Incorporates formal and formative assessments to track student progress and advice to help you plan response to intervention.


is a four-part spelling program for primary schools. Each Part includes one year of instructional content.

  • Part One – Common long vowel spellings, key orthographic generalisations (FLOSS, ck, tch etc), suffixing rules, homophones and introduction to high frequency pre-fixes and suffixes.

  • Part Two – Less frequent long vowel spellings, poly-syllabic words, homophones, high frequency pre-fixes and suffixes and the application of the suffixing rules.*

  • Core Morphology – condenses the morphology content of Parts One and Two into one year of instructional content for schools who have already completed significant phonics spelling instruction and would like to give their students the benefit of explicit morphology spelling instruction.

  • Part Three and Part Four – Advanced orthographic generalisations, complex poly-syllabic and multi-morphemic words, homophones, and advanced prefixes and suffixes and bound bases.

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